Chemical Manufacturing Materials Tracking System

Operations Management
Brownfield Project

Technologies Used

  • AngularJs
  • RabbitMq
  • RavenDB
  • .Net

Chemical Manufacturing Materials Tracking System

The Chemical Manufacturing Materials Tracking System is a browser-based intranet application designed to provide comprehensive tracking of chemical materials throughout the manufacturing process. This system consolidates inward goods, test results, images, and documents to ensure full traceability of all materials used in producing the end product. Developed using AngularJs, RabbitMq, RavenDB, and .Net, the application employs CQRS (Command Query Responsibility Segregation) and event-driven architecture, ensuring the system is highly traceable, flexible, and scalable to meet the evolving needs of the chemical manufacturing industry.

Project Features

  • Comprehensive Material Tracking
  • Advanced Technology Stack
  • CQRS and Event-Driven Architecture
  • Browser-Based Intranet Application